This sounds familiar
Have you made one like this before? It sounds familiar. I really liked the constant strings pattern.
This sounds familiar
Have you made one like this before? It sounds familiar. I really liked the constant strings pattern.
Genisis Armada was better.
Your earlier one, Genisis Armada, was much better than this one. In fact, that was the one that first brought me to Newgrounds (I'll be putting up some of my own stuff as soon as I save enough money for a decent music creator). It was in a game called Globules (you were given credit) along with Judgement Dance. But back to this one: Everything was too high-pitched. The drums were good and so was the occasional low guitar, but it was too repetitive and the synths you used didn't have as much energy and power as Genisis Armada. Sorry, but this one was actually a step down.
You still get a 7. Just because it isn't as good as the one it's based on, it's still a good song.
Where'd the energy go?
This has the least energy of your three IceCap remixes. I would have given this an 8 but you used so many different and cool sounds and instruments that you get an extra point.
Much improved over your old one
I like how it builds up from a quiet beginning to an energy-filled song. You had much more variation and more instruments than before, which makes this so much better than the original version. And it's longer too. Excellent Job.
waaaaaaaaaay to repetetive
I liked the song, but it got very boring after a while because it was so repetitive.
Nice work!
I like the semi-dramatic instruments (what are those? Horns? Strings?) and that guitar at 1:16 and 3:20. It seemed a little empty in the middle, though. I would add a more distinct and varied melody in the middle on top of everything.
GameBoy Rules!
Experimenting with only Gameboy sounds was an excellent idea. (I still have my black-and-white GameBoy Pocket!) You should do another one using NintendoDS or Wii sound effects. You did a great job with this song, and I'm even more impressed because it seems like you didn't have much of a selection of sounds you could use, yet it still sounds very diverse. Great Job!
Add to trumpet part
I like the repetitive undertone and then the trumpets and piano, but I wish that you would have added C, Bflat, Cflat, G, Cflat, Bflat, C trumpets as base chords during the trumpet section. Long, short, short, long, short, short, long, then again with the last note cut super short instead of long. Just a suggestion.
It's so awesome! I love everything about this song! I am once again left speechless by your epic powers of music mastering. I don't know where to start with the compliments, so just apply the following adjectives to every concievable aspect of this song: awesome, awesomer, awesomest, hyperuberawesomepic
Something was lacking...
...and I can't figure out what it is. It was good, but not excellent. But I can't think of where or how you could improve it. Well, good job anyway.
I love reading, writing, and music making. I also love pranks, especially computer tricks. I ski, play soccer, and love jumping. Over trash cans, off walls, onto tables, anywhere! I talk constantly and unceasingly. I've got slight mental problems. #
Age 30, Male
California, USA
Joined on 9/17/10